The Zero Waste Loop
We’re inspired to create ,but sustainably!
The Zero Waste Loop
We’re inspired to create ,but sustainably!
Responsible To Contribute
STITCH STUDIO is a community of designers, entrepreneurs, product developers, pattern markers, tailors, weavers, block printers, 5 embroiderers, merchandisers, buyers, photographers, and more. While all of us are passionate about our art, we also hold ourselves responsible to contribute towards a future that’s sustainable. Indian is a melting pot of garment manufacturing. While it opens up exciting avenues for our textile industry globally, the major drawback is the amount of fabric waste that overflows in our landfills. Here’s were our responsibility as a manufacturer starts
Waste With A Purpose
At 5 STITCH STUDIO, we’re focused on minimising the waste that gets generated during the process of garment making. In our ever growing industry, waste is produced at different stages of manunfacturing: right from the cutting table, marking out of the silhouette and finally stitching the garment. These fabric waste scraps are called “chindi’ in India
How does ‘Chindi’ helps us to close the loop?
Re-cycle & Re-purpose
We are happily growing a circular economy by recycling ‘chindi’ or fabric scraps to close the loop and put our waste to better use. We distribute the waste to villages in Rajasthan close to our manufacturing units and the rural families help us convert the waste into recycled fabric which can be repurposed later to manufacture smaller, useful day-to-day products